Á la Damaris is a cozy restaurant in Zaltbommel. In the middle of the restaurant you will find an open kitchen, where chef Damaris cooks 100% vegetable dishes with love. Host Joris welcomes the guests and serves the dishes. The cuisine is mainly inspired by Middle Eastern flavours, but they also embrace other cuisines. On Wednesday Damaris makes a one-pan dish, from Thursday to Saturday you can enjoy a four-course menu. And on Sunday there is a lunch with Lebanese mezze. RestauPlant does not have a menu online, because the menu changes every week.
We hebben genoten van elke gang. Heerlijke smaken en goede combinaties. En een heel leuk stel dat de boel runt😃👍
Location & information
- Information
- Arabic
- Middle Eastern
- Meals Lunch - Dinner
- Price range €€
- Glutefree No
- Takeaway No
- Location
- Address Boschstraat 68A, 5301 AG · Zaltbommel · Zaltbommel
- Phone Number 06 27064866
- Website
Opening hours
- ma Closed
- di Closed
- wo Closed
- do 18:00 to 23:00
- vrij 18:00 to 23:00
- za 18:00 to 23:00
- zo 13:00 to 17:00
Restaurant appears in