Cantine de Caron is a restaurant on the Westergasterrein with a cozy industrial look. In the middle of the Westergas area tger us an old factory building that has been renovated into a restaurant. Cantine de Caron is a French Mediterranean brasserie where you can have lunch and dinner. The restaurant has a beautiful terrace where you can enjoy lunch, drinks and dinner outside when the wehter is good. For vegetarians there are enough dishes on the menu, as a vegan it is more difficult to eat at Cantine de Caron.
Op een donderdagavond hier gegeten. Super leuke atmosfeer en veel groter binnen dan we hadden gedacht! Wij hebben lekker aan de bar gegeten wat helemaal prima was. Vegan en vega vrij lastig omdat het een Franse keuken is maar opties die ze aanbieden zijn helemaal prima. Knolselderij puree en het gerecht met biet waren helemaal top!
Location & information
- Information
- French
- Mediterranean
- Meals Lunch - Dinner
- Price range €€
- Glutefree Yes
- Takeaway No
- Location
- Address Pazzanistraat 8, 1014 DB · Amsterdam · West
- Phone Number 020 225 0059
- Website
Opening hours
- ma 12:00 to 01:00
- di 12:00 to 01:00
- wo 12:00 to 01:00
- do 12:00 to 01:00
- vrij 12:00 to 01:00
- za 12:00 to 01:00
- zo 12:00 to 01:00
Restaurant appears in