Chef Koosh Kothari and his team provide delicious Peruvian dishes, sometimes with a touch of India. In Peru, a lot of cooking is done with fish and meat, but because NAZKA cares about our food print, they serve a plant forward menu and the restaurant also serves an impressive vegan menu. Fancy an evening of vegan fine dining? Then you have come to the right place at NAZKA.
Delicious fine dining menu based on Peruvian ingredients and landscapes. The atmosphere was great (you can sit here for hours without even noticing) and the botanical drinks pairing was amazing!
Botanical drinks pairing, the friendly service, the cocktails, the food (everything was presented so beautifully)
Meal: 5 course fine dining menu with lychee coconut bites, crisps and salsa, asparagus ceviche, potato pavé with pepper sauce, chickpea flour and kale bites and miso caramel and pear ice cream. (vegan)
Fantastische service en prachtige gerechten
Bijzondere smaken, uitermate goed op elkaar afgestemde service en een avond vullende belevenis. Ik raad de botanical pairing van harte aan.
Location & information
- Information
- Peruvian
- South American
- Meals Dinner
- Price range €€€
- Glutefree No
- Takeaway No
- Location
- Address Van Ostadestraat 354, 1073 TZ · Amsterdam · Zuid
- Phone Number 020 223 4901
- Website
Opening hours
- ma Closed
- di 18:00 to 00:00
- wo 18:00 to 00:00
- do 18:00 to 00:00
- vrij 18:00 to 00:00
- za 18:00 to 00:00
- zo Closed
View the video of our visit to NAZKA
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