If you don't like to eat the same thing several times, Symbiosis is the perfect place to dine. Every two weeks they change their menus, so you don't have to worry about getting the same meal again. What you can be sure of is that it is always vegetarian and organic. There is always a choice of two different 3-course menus, which may be extended to 4 or even 5 courses. This always includes gluten-free and vegan options. Another fun fact: Symbiosis works with ecological cleaning products and green energy and cooks on demand, to avoid food waste. So here you can eat out with an easy, environmentally conscious heart. Reservations are recommended, especially on the weekends, Symbiose fills up quickly. The menu on RestauPlant is an example menu.
By far nog steeds ons favoriete restaurant. De passie van de dames zorgt elke keer weer voor een bijzondere avond. Originele en heerlijke gerechten. Voortreffelijk wijn- én, speciaal voor mij in het leven geroepen, theearrangement. De warme, persoonlijke bediening en de ambiance maken het af. We voelen ons er altijd welkom.
Eten, bediening, intieme sfeer, wijnarrangement , theearrangement.
Meal: Heel veel verschillende menu’s (vegan)
Location & information
- Information
- Biological
- Fusion
- Sustainable
- Meals Dinner
- Price range €€
- Glutefree Yes
- Takeaway No
- Location
- Address Galileïstraat 160, 2561 TL · Den Haag · Segbroek
- Phone Number 070 888 5555
- Website
Opening hours
- ma Closed
- di Closed
- wo Closed
- do 18:00 to 23:00
- vrij 18:00 to 23:00
- za 18:00 to 23:00
- zo 18:00 to 23:00
Restaurant appears in