Chef Han Ji named his restaurants after one of the five basic tastes: umami. Umami means 'delicious taste' in Japanese, and that is the goal of Umami by Han: to taste food with great taste. There are many dishes on the menu, including a number of vegetarian and vegan options. At Umami by Han you eat Asian dishes that you can share with your table companions. You can choose two dishes per course per person. Sharing is caring!
Pleasantly surprised at how good our experience was at @umamibyhan_restaurants . A modern Asian dining concept revolving around the Umami philosophy. The word Umami is all about keeping different flavours in balance. The tastes of sweet, salty, bitter and sour are familiar to us, but there is a fifth taste we can perceive with our tongue, umami. Its taste has been described as rounded, rich and savoury. It’s usually matched with salt to add depth and complexity to foods that may lack depth and complexity on their own. We had the 5 courses Bib Veggie/Vegan Gourmand menu and it was definitely an explosion of flavours. The only let down was the dessert which we could’ve skipped. Overall great time, will be back. Note, the environment is great but with the music can be quite noisy.
Meal: 5 courses Bib Vegan Gourmand menu (vegan)
Location & information
- Information
- Thai
- Indonesian
- Chinese
- Fusion
- Japanese
- Vietnamese
- Meals Dinner
- Price range €€
- Glutefree No
- Takeaway No
- Location
- Address Overtoom 31HS, 1054 HB · Amsterdam · West
- Phone Number 020 280 1379
- Website
Opening hours
- ma 17:00 to 22:00
- di 17:00 to 22:00
- wo 17:00 to 22:00
- do 17:00 to 22:00
- vrij 17:00 to 22:30
- za 17:00 to 22:30
- zo 17:00 to 22:00
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